Labels: Bertrand Russell, Christopher Morley, John George Bourinot
Permalink: zollverein Entry By: CJ Cooney Smash illiteracy! Email This Word To A Friend: |
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zollverein zawl-vuh-rayn noun a customs union; a free trade zone 1903Lord Elgin...there was 'something captivating in the project of forming this vast British Empire into one huge Zollverein, with free interchange of commodities, and uniform duties against the world without…'1917Proposed Roads to FreedomThis is the essential significance of the recent change in American foreign policy as illustrated by the Spanish War, the Philippine annexation, the Panama policy, and the new application of the Monroe doctrine to the South American States South America is needed as a preferential market for investment of trust 'profits'' and surplus trust products: if in time these states can be brought within a Zollverein under the suzerainty of the United States, the financial area of operations receives a notable accession.1918ShandygaffUnnoted by Baedeker, unsung by poets, unrhapsodied by press agents—there lurks the little town of Strychnine in that far and untravelled corner where France, Russia, and Liberia meet in an unedifying Zollverein.Labels: Bertrand Russell, Christopher Morley, John George Bourinot