Labels: Michael Scott, Rudyard Kipling
Permalink: yerk Entry By: CJ Cooney Smash illiteracy! Email This Word To A Friend: | ||
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yerk yurhk verb to goad; to thrash; to attack; to beat 1836Tom Cringle's LogPresently I heard the word given to take in the two gaff—topsails and flying jib, which was scarcely done, when the moaning sound roughened into a roar, and the little vessel began to yerk at the head seas…1906Puck of Pook's HillYes; he would lie still awhile, and then rustle in the straw, and speak sometimes as though he were King William himself, and anon he would speak in parables and tales, and if at once we saw not his meaning he would yerk us in the ribs with his scabbarded sword.Labels: Michael Scott, Rudyard Kipling