How To Use The Dictionary
Head Word. A head work begins each entry. Each head word is in bold, underlined, and shown in red.
Pronunciation. Pronunciations follow the head word and stressed syllables are shown in upper case. Pronunciations are written using a pronunciation system developed specifically for this dictionary. (See:
Pronunciation Guide).
Part-of-speech. The part-of-speech, a grammatical attribution, follows the pronunciation key.
Definition. Following the part-of-speech is the definition for the head word. An entry's different word meanings, senses or synonyms are delimited using a semicolon.
Illustrative Quotations. Each head word is illustrated by one or more quotations.
Quote Year. Each illustrative quote begins with the year the source quote was published, written, translated, broadcast, or produced, as the case may be. Quotations are presented in e chronological order, i.e. ordered sequentially by year, from older to newer.
Quote Author. The author of the quote appears in all caps. Multiple authors are delimited with "and".
Quote Source. The name or title of the originating source for each quotation appears in italics.
Quotation. The quotation consists of a sentence or two from the Quote Source illustrating the head word.
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Entry By: CJ Cooney
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