Labels: J. G. Ballard, James Patterson, Theodore Dreiser
Permalink: halcyon Entry By: CJ Cooney Smash illiteracy! Email This Word To A Friend: | ||
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halcyon HAL-see-uhn adjective peaceful; prosperous 1900Sister CarrieIn the view of a certain stratum of society, Carrie was comfortably established—in the eyes of the starveling, beaten by every wind and gusty sheet of rain, she was safe in a halcyon harbour.1988Running Wild..a sycophantic newspaper editor nostalgic for the halcyon days of the l980s…1999Pop! Goes the Weasel...I had once confronted a homicidal twelve-year-old during the halcyon days of the Jack and Jill killers…Labels: J. G. Ballard, James Patterson, Theodore Dreiser