Labels: Gilbert Parker, Samuel Butler
Permalink: slubberdegullion Entry By: CJ Cooney Smash illiteracy! Email This Word To A Friend: | ||
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slubberdegullion sluhb-ur-dee-GUHL-yuhn noun a useless person; a slovenly person; a wretched and mean person 1805Hudibras Quoth she, Although thou hast deserv'd | Base slubberdegullion, to be serv'd | As thou did'st vow to deal with me, | If thou had'st got the victory | Yet I shall rather act a part | That suits my fame than thy desert. 1898The Battle of the StrongThe dry cackle of the apprentice as he looked after Guida roused a mockery of indignation in the Master. 'Sacre matin, a back-hander on the jaw'd do you good, slubberdegullion—you! Ah, get go scrub the coffin blacking from your jowl!' he rasped out with furious contempt. Labels: Gilbert Parker, Samuel Butler